Online Book Recommendation System (New)

Central Library has developed the new Online Book Recommendation System using Koha (Open Source LMS) to facilitate a convenient recommendation system for faculty members. The faculty members can recommend the book(s) for Central Library and concerned departmental library through the online system. It provides the following user-friendly features to recommend and approve the book(s) quickly.   

Salient features
  • Faculty members will receive email notices on each recommendation and approval and disapproval by HoD/HoC/HoS.
  • HoD/HoC/HoS will receive the request for approval alert mail whenever the respective department/school/centre faculty member recommends a book(s).
  • Provides the updated automatic status on the procurement progress of recommended book(s).
  • The system has been Integrated with the IITD Kerberos ID and Password for login.

To access the New Online Book Recommendation System click here, or scan the QR Code below. Use Kerberos ID and Password for Login

HoD/HoC/HoS should use their respective HoD/HoC/HoS Kerberos ID (e.g., hodam, hodcivil) and Password for approval/disapproval of book(s).
User Guides


Video User Guides


Video User guide for Faculty Members
Video User guide for HoD/HoC/HoS

For any feedback/suggestions/help, please contact:

Dr. Neeraj Chaurasia

Deputy Librarian
In-charge: Collection Development Divison (CDD)
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Tel: +91-11-26596652 (O)

Mr. Manu TR

Assistant Librarian
Collection Development Divison (CDD)
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Tel: +91-11-26596096 (O)