first floor

The Library has its entrance at the first floor which stacks books on science and technology, conference proceedings and reference collection. The reading area is juxtra-positioned to the stacks. The first floor houses the following important sections and facilities:

 Librarian's Office: Including Librarian's Room and his office.

 Reader Services: Reader Services consists of a Room for In-charge of the Section, Membership Counter, Circulation Counter with adjoining staff area and Reference Collection. The Reader Services is concerned with issue, return and renewal of documents to the members of the Library. Besides faculty, students, research scholars and supporting staff of Institute, the Library also offers memberships to corporate bodies, alumni, retired faculty and local libraries. It attends to inter-library loan requests. The section answers queries of readers about circulation in specific and Central Library in general.

 Library Membership Counter: Students, faculty members & employees of the Institute can register/renew their registration for library membership here.The offices of the Head, Library Services as well as Head, Readers Services and Head, Administrative and Maintenance Division are also located on the first floor of the Library. The Seminar Room is located adjacent to the office of the Head, Library Services. Proper signages are displayed prominently both for infrastructures and collections.

 Stacks Area: First Floor houses stacks area for books on sciences, engineering and technology, management sciences, computer sciences and fine arts. Reference collection and conference proceedings (CD) are also housed on first floor of the Library.

 Seminar Room: Seminar Room is housed on the first floor of the Library and is used for holding meetings, workshops, seminars, user awareness programmes, etc.

Map First Floor