The ground floor houses the following important sections and facilities:
Text Book & Book Bank Sections:The Library maintains a separate collection of textbooks that are recommended by the departments/centres for different courses offered at IIT Delhi. Textbooks can be consulted within the Library premises on deposition of Identity Card. Text books can also be issued for 3 days, failing which an overdue charge of Rs.6.00 per day per volume is charged. The Book Bank is also housed in the Text Book Section of the Central Library. The Book Bank holds multiple copies of selected textbooks for making them available to the students for the entire duration of a semester. The section also houses Ph.D. theses. Inside Textbook section there is an reading area for consultation of Textbooks and Ph.D. theses.
Stacks Area:Ground Floor has stacks area for books on social sciences, humanities, biographies and library science. Progress Reports (PR) including annuals, annals and other serial publications are also shelved on the Ground floor.
Library Reading Room:A portion of Library on the ground floor has been segregated as an independent Library Reading Room.
Computer Applications Section:The Computer Applications Section coordinates with all Sections of the Library for library computerization. The Section is responsible for offering computer-based library services. It has servers and staff room as well as a Computer Laboratory that houses 25 computers exclusively for the library users. The Section also houses content development team for the Institute Website.
Collection Development Division:The key functions of the Collection Development Division(CDD) is to procure all types of documents (except journals) and do their classification and cataloguing. The process of book acquisition is fully computerized using the Koha open source software package. The Section is also responsible for tooling of books which involves fixing labels, date slips, bar-code stickers, etc.
Bindery:The Bindery looks after the maintenance of library documents. Binding outfits are contracted to perform most of the binding jobs for Library. The Library Bindery also does the lamination work for the Institute.