Technical Processing Division

The Technical Processing Division (TPD) is a subsequent section of the Collection Development Division (CDD), and it is charged with responsibilities of classification, metadata creation (cataloguing), physical processing and RFID related activities like tagging, re-tagging and other activities like a bar code, spine label generation, tooling, and associated activities etc. The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is being followed for assigning the classification numbers and widely used metadata standards and rules for creating effective metadata to help users to find the library collection effectively through Web OPAC. This section is also serving institute community by alerting them about newly arrived books from time to time, transferring the departmental library books to respective departments/schools/centres through proper channel and alerting faculty members who have recommended book(s) once same is/are available for check-out. This section is also prepare new Arrival Lists of books recently added in the Library; and making the same available to the institute fraternity and also on the Library Website.  


TPD Workflow